Can you carry out your own fire risk analysis?


A commonly asked query by landlords, building owners and those accountable for managing fire safety is– can I do my own fire risk analysis?

In this guide, we’re going to reveal why it is feasible– but may not always be the appropriate conclusion to make. Who are we?  Pyro Fire

The short answer is ‘Without a doubt – you can execute your own fire risk analysis’, there is nothing at all stopping you from Googling an online template for a fire risk analysis and filling out the areas to define your building, what you do, and any risks you can identify from the limited expertise you have. If in doubt get in touch  Fire Risk Assessment

You might even do your own research, perhaps even attend a fire safety program. This may have been satisfactory prior to 2005, as the fire service used to visit your property and carry out an audit to deliver you with a fire certificate. However, since then, the criteria and law for fire safety became much more strict and things changed considerably.

The law for fire safety – The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which was really introduced in 2006– was developed to remodel fire safety in England & Wales, to introduce the requirement for a suitable and sufficient fire risk analysis to be carried out for all non-domestic premises.

The words ‘suitable and sufficient’ when used in law, were definitely brought under scrutiny, but the definition has since been made very clear:
A suitable and sufficient fire risk analysis can only be carried out by a competent professional.

‘Competent’ can be defined as someone with adequate training, certifications, experience and attitude. A competent person must have obtained specific training in relation to fire risk evaluations, they must have some form of certification to back that up, experience in assessing your type of property, and the proper attitude to ensure they’re able to communicate the findings effectively. All of the above can be achieved for your fire risk analysis by using outside assessors.

Find out More about our Fire risk assessments  Pyro Fire